Sex, drugs and rock n roll

New York: Sex, drugs and rock n roll maybe three things that unfolds from a video nasty which displays the figure of legendary rapper Tupac Shakur. The latest traces found indicates that the star is doing sex scenes, smoking and singing the song turns.

The clip, filmed at a house party in 1991, also featuring Tupac was chatting with Money-B of Digital Underground. Meanwhile, the women continued their actions.

As recently quoted by TMZ, the star - who was shot dead at age 25 in 1996, was known to drink with one hand and smoke with the other hand.
This case adds to a long list of celebrities nasty case of recordings, such as those experienced by Pamela Anderson and Kim Kardhasian which also revealed their bed nude scenes.

In 2004, traces of nasty celebrities who come to the surface is Paris Hilton having sex with former boyfriend Rick Salomon. Finally the video was released in compact disc format DVD entitled One Night in Paris. And, Anderson nasty scene with ex-husband Tommy Lee.